Here you can find some selected publications of AEME members and papers presented at our meetings
Karl-Friedrich Israel and Gunther Schnabl, Alternative measures of price inflation and the perception of real income in Germany. The World Economy, (2023, forthcoming)
Karl-Friedrich Israel, “Pawel Ciompa and the meaning of econometrics: a comparison of two concepts”, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, (2023, forthcoming)
Tate Fegley, Kristoffer Hansen and Karl-Friedrich Israel, Clarifying the Analysis of Deadweight Loss from Taxation. Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines, (2023, forthcoming)
Karl-Friedrich Israel (2022): “The monetary theories of Carl Menger and Friedrich von Wieser: a comparative study”, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought , Vol. 29(5): 855-876
Karl-Friedrich Israel, “The expenditure approach to income and substitution effects”, Economics Bulletin (2022, forthcoming)
Karl-Friedrich Israel, Tim Sepp and Nils Sonnenberg (2022): “Japanese Monetary Policy and Household Saving”, Applied Economics, Vol. 54(21): 2373-2389.
Karl-Friedrich Israel (2022): “On the Complementarity of the Austrian and Monetarist Traditions”, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 25(3): 318-324.
Karl-Friedrich Israel (2021): “The fiat money illusion: On the cost-efficiency of modern central banking”, The World Economy, Vol. 44(6): 1701-1719.
Joseph T. Salerno, Carmen E. Dorobat and Karl-Friedrich Israel (2020): "Two views on neutral money: Wieser and Hayek versus Menger and Mises", The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 27(5): 682-711.
Karl-Friedrich Israel and Sophia Latsos (2020): "The Impact of (Un)Conventional Expansionary Monetary Policy on Income Inequality – Lessons from Japan", Applied Economics, Vol. 52(40): 4403-4420.
Karl-Friedrich Israel (2020): "Income and Substitution Effects: A Rejoinder to Professor Joseph Salerno", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 23(2): 192–211.
Karl-Friedrich Israel and Tate Fegley (2020): "The Disutility of Labor", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 23(2): 171–179.
Israel, Karl-Friedrich (2019): ”How cost efficient is the eurosystem?”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 39(1): 115-126.
Karl-Friedrich Israel and Jörg Guido Hülsmann (2019): “Die Österreichische Schule als Gegenprogramm zur Standardökonomik: Replik zum Kommentar von Ansgar Belke”, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 44(4), 589–595.
Karl-Friedrich Israel and Jörg Guido Hülsmann (2019): “Die Österreichische Schule als Gegenprogramm zur Standardökonomik”, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 44(4): 535–559.
Israel, Karl-Friedrich (2018): “Review Essay: The Economic Theory of Costs“, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 21(3): 287-306
Tomáš Nikodym, Petra Holenová and Tereza Pusovà (2018): “Czechoslovak Intellectual Environment After the Second World War.” Slovak Journal of Political Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 85–102.
Tomáš Nikodym and Lukáš Nikodym (2018): “This Thinker Was the ‘Czech Bastiat’.“ In Reed, Lawrence (ed.), Heroes of Liberty From Around the Globe, Atlanta, Foundation for Economic Education, pp. 94–99.
Aleksandar Novaković and Dušan Dostanić (2018): “The anti-capitalist mentality and ill-fated transition - case of Serbia”, MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics, Vol. 6 (Special Issue)
Israel, Karl-Friedrich (2017) “In the long run we are all unemployed?”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 64, pp. 67-81
Tomáš Nikodym and Lukáš Nikodym (2017): “Nazism and the Concept of Economic Democracy.” Studium Vol. 10, pp. 129-144.
Nikodym, Tomas; Lukas Nikodym and Jana Brhelova (2016): "Antonín Basch and the Economic Nature of WWII: A Liberal Approach", History of Economic Ideas, Anno XXIII 2016/2, pp. 141-164
Israel, Karl-Friedrich (2016): “Pawel Ciompa and the meaning of econometrics: A comparison of two concepts”, Document de travail du GRANEM n° 2016-06-052
Nikodym, Lukáš; Tomáš Nikodym and Tereza Pušová (2016): The Mistaken Doctrine of Common Law: A Critique, Law and Economics Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 173-181.
Josef Šíma and Tomáš Nikodym (2015): “Classical Liberalism in the Czech Republic” Econ Journal Watch, Vol. 12, 2015, No. 2, pp. 974–292.
Nikodym, Lukáš; Tomáš Nikodym and Tereza Pušová (2015): Post‐War Czechoslovakia: A Theoretical
Critique, Journal of Heterodox Economics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 93-112.
Israel, Karl-Friedrich (2015): Modern Monetary Policy Evaluation and the Lucas Critique, Political Dialogues: Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 19, pp. 123-145.
Nikodym, Tomáš (2014): The Economic Causes of War and Changes in Post-War Economic Thought: From Keynes to Beneš, Central European Papers, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 79-94.